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Costa Rica is home to dozen fo turtle nesting, there are four species of turtles that come and lay their eggs in Costa Rica, the leatherback, green, hawksbill and olive ridley. 


Sea Turtle Species


Leatherbacks: On the Caribbean, they nest from March to July. On the Pacific, they nest from September to March.


Greens: Nest from June to October along the North Caribbean, especially Tortuguero. 


Olive Ridleys: Along the Pacific, they nest throughout the year, though on many beaches the nesting is concentrated from July to November.


Hawksbills: The best time to see hawksbills in Cahuita is September and October, though sitings are rare.


If you are also interested in helping this is a  incredible opportunity, by catching and releasing turtles, restoring mangroves, and more. This hands-on experience is geared towards families (8 years and up) and small groups.

Turtle Tours

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